The Mission of Trinity Health Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program is to provide a comprehensive, high-quality education program that will graduate competent entry-level sonographers for the healthcare community.
Contact: Trinity Health DMS Program Director
Phone: 701-857-5620
Email: amy.hofmann@trinityhealth.org
Trinity Health Campus Location: Didactic education takes place in designated classroom space on the Trinity Health campus and clinical education takes place in the departments of Radiology, Vascular Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynecology. State-of-the-art ultrasound scanners are available at various department scanning stations throughout the campus.
Program Description
Sonography (ultrasound) is a dynamic profession that has grown significantly over the past several years. Sonography is a diagnostic medical procedure that uses high frequency sound waves (ultrasound) to produce images of organs, tissues, or blood flow inside the body. This type of procedure is often referred to as a sonogram or an ultrasound scan.
Sonography can be used to examine may parts of the body, such as the abdomen, breasts, female reproductive system, prostate, heart, and blood vessels. It is also used to guide fine needle biopsy to assist in taking a sample of cells from an organ for lab testing (for example, tissue to test for breast cancer). Unlike x-ray, there is no ionizing radiation used to perform a sonogram.
With rapidly developing technologies and increased use of diagnostic sonographic procedures, growth in this profession is projected to continue in the future with employment opportunities for qualified sonographers in a variety of settings nationwide. Sonographers can choose to work in clinics, hospitals, private practice physician offices, public health facilities, laboratories, and other medical settings performing examinations in their areas of specialization.