No matter the season, let us journey through life in active hope not only for our own gain but also for the well-being of others. Active participation rooted in the core belief of “do no harm” asks every individual to take seriously one’s own values and the values of others regardless of differences. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays, how will we individually and communally practice harm reduction as hope for the future of our local, national and worldwide communities? How do you believe active hope in the form of “do no harm” will create shifts and ripple effects that enable equitable living for all people? What steps need to be taken to make this way of living a reality? Traditions of belief, faith, science, reason and lived experience all offer ways of practicing active hope. During this holiday season, let us all commit to listening to and forgiving ourselves and others as well as working together to do better for the sake of the world.
-Deacon Anna L. Dykeman
Chaplain, Trinity Health