Trinity Health has adjusted visitation to minimum restrictions at Trinity Hospital and Trinity Hospital – St. Joseph’s.
Effective February 10, 2021, visitors are permitted in both hospitals provided they do not have respiratory symptoms and are not COVID-positive.
Anyone entering Trinity Hospital will be screened at entryways prior to gaining access to the building. Visiting hours at Trinity Hospital remain 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Trinity Health continues to require that all visitors wear a mask and practice social distancing at all times throughout our facilities. To maintain safety at the patient bedside, a limit of two visitors at a time will be permitted in a patient’s room.
When visiting the Family Birth Center or Pediatrics, siblings are permitted once during the stay of the mother and baby or the pediatric patient, and will be limited to one sibling group at a time.
No one will be allowed to visit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19, with the following exceptions:
- COVID-positive pediatric patients – limit to one parent or legal guardian
- COVID-positive maternity patients with newborn – limit one support person
- COVID-positive end-of-life – pre-approval required for all visits
Hospital cafeterias, lobbies, and waiting rooms are open, with social distancing required.
Visitor restrictions are determined using a scoring-based, formal risk assessment that monitors trends in hospital census and case status in the community and region.