Thin Mint or Peanut Butter Patty?’ That’s the burning question at the Trinity CancerCare Center thanks to local Girl Scouts.
For the fifth year in a row, members of Troop #10132 stopped by the CancerCare Center bearing 200 boxes of yummy Girl Scout cookies in various flavors ñ a gift from Girl Scouts to the patients who use the center.
Through the organization’s giving program, customers and troop members can donate funds and pool them to donate cookies for a cause. ‘When people learn that the cookies are for cancer patients, people tend to throw in a little extra,’ said Trooper Leader Dani Ranger, a cancer survivor. ‘I think it’s because everyone is touched by cancer, either through a family member or themselves. I always say cancer doesn’t discriminate.’
Shane Jordan, who directs the Trinity CancerCare Center, says patients are always eager to receive the tasty treats, which he lightheartedly noted are for patients only. ‘As staff, we’re always tempted, but the cookies are for patients,’ he said.