As we mark the beginning of a new year, we typically look to the future with a sense of hope. It’s true that this year might be somewhat different with the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, which has disrupted how we interact, shop, travel, and dine. For some, it’s been a time fraught with deep emotions, grief, and loss.
As President & CEO of Trinity Health, my hope is that this year we will not only look forward but look back with gratitude for the people who have sacrificed so much to help us deal with the pandemic. I’m speaking, of course, of the healthcare professionals who are on the frontlines every day, caring for vulnerable people even as they worry about their own health and the health of their families.
When we learned of our first COVID-19 case in 2020, our hospital staff was already in preparation mode, with a plan and teams in place several weeks in advance. Nothing has changed. We continue to monitor the situation at hand.
As we enter the third year of COVID-19 and all its variants, these frontline workers are under as much strain as ever. I continue to be impressed by their fighting spirit, their determination and grit – their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure that patients receive the care they need, all the while putting themselves and their needs aside.
I hope that you will take a moment to share your gratitude with these nurses, doctors, and other healthcare workers and let them know how much you value their sacrifice and dedication during these challenging times. A few simple words of thanks and appreciation go a long way. We must never take these heroes for granted. More importantly, I urge you to show your support by getting the vaccine to minimize the impact of the next wave of coronavirus.
The pastor and TV evangelist Robert Schuller famously said, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” Although not an easy feat, our staff have taken up the baton and continue to make more possible each day.
Your support is greatly appreciated during these trying times as we continue to serve our patients and communities.
The gift of health and the gift of happiness – may these be yours this New Year.